Sorbents based on xerogels of zirconium, aluminum and manganese oxyhydroxides


  • R.V. Smotraiev Ukrainian State University of Chemical Engineering
  • E.O. Sorochkina Ukrainian State University of Chemical Engineering
  • А.V. Dzuba Ukrainian State University of Chemical Engineering
  • Y.D. Galivets Ukrainian State University of Chemical Engineering



sorbent capacity, xerogel, aluminum oxyhydroxide, zirconium oxyhydroxide, manganese oxyhydroxide


The actual problem of water supply in the world and in Ukraine in particular, is the high level of water resources pollution and the low purification rate of potable water. Along with industrial wastewater, the significant amount of pollutants is discharged including suspended particles, sulfates, iron compounds, heavy metals, etc. Aim: The aim of this work is to determine the impact of aluminum and manganese ions additives on surface and sorption properties of zirconium oxyhydroxide based sorbents during its production process. Materials and Methods: The sorbents based on xerogels of zirconium, aluminum and manganese oxyhydroxides were obtained using sol-gel method as the result of metal chloride hydrolysis (zirconium oxychloride ZrOCl2, aluminum chloride AlCl3 and manganese chloride MnCl2) over carbamide. Results: The surface and sorption properties of sorbents based on xerogels of zirconium, aluminum and manganese oxyhydroxides were investigated. X-ray amorphous structure and evolved hydroxyl-hydrate cover mainly characterize the obtained xerogels. The two-component sorbents based on xerogels of zirconium oxyhydroxide doped with addition of aluminum oxyhydroxide (aS=537 m2/g) and manganese oxyhydroxide (aS=356 m2/g) has more developed specific surface area than single-component xerogels of zirconium oxyhydroxide (aS=236 m2/g) and aluminum oxyhydroxide (aS=327 m2/g). The sorbent based on the xerogel of zirconium and manganese oxyhydroxides has the maximum SO42--ions sorption capacity. It absorbs 1,5 times more SO42--ions than the industrial anion exchanger AN-221. The sorbents based on xerogels of zirconium oxyhydroxide has the sorption capacity of Fe3+-ions that is 1,5…2 times greater than the capacity of the industrial cation exchanger KU-2-8. The Na+-ions absorption capacity of the samples is 1,47…1,56 mmol/g for all sorbents. Conclusions: Based on the study it can be concluded the proposed method effectiveness of producing sorbents based on xerogels of zirconium, aluminum and manganese oxyhydroxides with their further application for removing each of polyvalent anions and heavy metals from aqueous solutions.


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Author Biographies

R.V. Smotraiev, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Engineering

PhD, Assoc.Prof.

E.O. Sorochkina, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Engineering


А.V. Dzuba, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Engineering


Y.D. Galivets, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Engineering

PhD, Assoc.Prof.


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How to Cite

Smotraiev, R., Sorochkina, E., Dzuba А. and Galivets, Y. 2016. Sorbents based on xerogels of zirconium, aluminum and manganese oxyhydroxides. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(48) (Jan. 2016), 81–88. DOI:



Chemistry. Pharmaceutical technologies. Biomedical engineering