Investigation of technologies for producing organic-mineral fertilizers and biogas from waste products


  • A.V. Ivanchenko Dniprodzerzhynsk State Technical University



organic-mineral fertilizers, biogas, anaerobic fermentation, waste products


Modern agriculture requires special attention to a preservation of soil fertility; development of cultures fertilization; producing of new forms of organic-mineral fertilizers which nutrient absorption coefficient would be maximum. Application of artificial fertilizers has negative influence on soils. Aim: The aim of the study is to identify the scientific regularities of organic-mineral fertilizers and biogas technologies from waste products and cattle manure with the addition of fermentation additive. Materials and Methods: The affordable organic raw material for production of organic-mineral fertilizers is the cattle manure. Environmental technology of the decontamination and utilization of manure is its anaerobic bioconversion to fermented fertilizer and biogas. The waste decontamination and the degradation of complex polymers into simple renewable and plant-available compounds takes place during the conversion of manner to biogas. Experimental research carried out for the three types of loads to the model reactor of anaerobic fermentation with 1 dm3 volume for dry matter. The mesophilic fermentation mode used in the experiments (at 33 °C). Results: It has been shown that the addition of whey to the input raw materials in a ratio of 1:30 accelerates the process of anaerobic digestion and biogas generation in 1,3...2,1 times. An analysis of organic-mineral fertilizers from cattle manure were conducted. Technological schemes of organic-mineral fertilizers and biogas technologies from waste products were developed. Conclusions: Implementation of research results to farms and urban waste treatment facilities lead to increased energy potential of our country and expansion of high-quality organic-mineral fertilizers variety, which are well absorbed by plants.


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Author Biography

A.V. Ivanchenko, Dniprodzerzhynsk State Technical University

PhD, Assoc.Prof.


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How to Cite

Ivanchenko, A. 2015. Investigation of technologies for producing organic-mineral fertilizers and biogas from waste products. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 3(47) (Dec. 2015), 126–132. DOI:



Chemistry. Pharmaceutical technologies. Biomedical engineering