Grounding the directions of changes in the cycle of management changes at the enterprise
changes, change management, approaches in change management, methods of change management, cycle of change management, directions of changes, quantitative and qualitative symptoms that indicate a necessity of changeAbstract
Actuality of choosing and grounding the directions of changes is caused by necessity of adaptation the enterprise to changing external environment and increasing enterprise’s competitiveness. In paper on basis of approaches to change management the cycle of change management are proposed, it consists of six stages, the main of them is design of changes. By analysis of change management methods and content models of changes management the directions of changes are grounded, they are structure and management system, strategy and mission, staff and skills, culture and values, reward system, leader of change processes and technologies. For every direction quantitative and qualitative symptoms that indicate a necessity of change are worked out. Further the theoretical results can be used as a basis for the creating tools for implementing each of the proposed areas of change and forming of the system of performance indicators for changes.
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