A quantum particle of matter (charge) as a fundamental source of gravity and mass of matter in nature.





gravity, quantum particle of matter (charge), energy and Planck’s constant, Schrödinger equation, Heisenberg uncertainty, graviton, oscillator of gravity of matter (charge), de Broglie wave, laws of gravity, converging effect of gravitational fields, standard model, collider


One of the most intriguing problems of modern physics is the search of particles beyond the Standard Model and the creation of quantum theory of gravity. To these problems, namely to the problem of quantum description of gravitation the closest attention is paid. The importance of applying the Standard Model to describe three types of force physical interactions involving elementary particles is beyond doubt. These particles are active participants of physical processes of electromagnetism, strong and weak interactions. However, there is still an open question about the meaning and role in nature of gravitation. Moreover, it is not clear how gravity interacts with matter of any mass and what is the essence of these differences. Also, there is no answer to the question about the meaning in the nature of the discreteness factor and the possibility of real quantisation of gravitation. Besides, it is unknown whether in the surrounding world there exists a quantum of gravitational energy – graviton and what is its actual energy. To explain the significance of gravity on cosmic scales, the General Theory of Relativity of A. Einstein was applied, which describes the curvature of space around stars and planets. However, this theory affects only the interaction of large masses of matter and does not apply to quantum objects in the form of atoms and elementary particles. As for the objective application in the scientific literature of other known theories of gravity, including its quantum forms, they all use a mathematical apparatus where the criterion of quantum discreteness – Planck’s constant – is missing. The apparent incompleteness of research in the field of development and creation of an objective theory of gravitation and its quantum forms requires practical application of the existing apparatus of quantum mechanics for realisation of this scientific direction. Taking into account such a view, it is necessary to consider the possibility of applying the thermodynamic nature of the movement of gravity in nature, where it is necessary to raise the issue of the existence and manifestation of the quantum form of gravitational energy in nature, the source of which may be a quantum particle of matter (charge) outside the Standard Model. Due to the unique coincidence of physical properties of quantum particles of matter (charge) and physical principles inherent in the operation of any collider, it is possible to use the Large Hadron Collider to study the properties of quantum particles of matter (charge) as a source of gravity in nature.


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How to Cite

Kuiev, V. and Hroma, V. 2024. A quantum particle of matter (charge) as a fundamental source of gravity and mass of matter in nature . Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(69) (May 2024), 84–99. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15276/opu.1.69.2024.10.