To the issue of digitization of the service sector in Ukraine.
information technologies, digitalization, service sector, digital medicine, digital marketingAbstract
It is shown that information technologies create conditions for penetration and active interaction of virtual and physical space, that is, they create a digital cyber-physical space. It has been determined that universal coverage of health services is impossible without the support of eHealth. At the same time, the issue of minimizing potential risks by improving security and privacy functions will require special attention. This approach encompasses system quality, positive information dissemination, and risk mitigation to build user confidence and encourage widespread adoption of eHealth programs. The purpose of the article is to analyze and formulate proposals for the active involvement of information technologies and digital services in the field of health care in Ukraine. A meaningful analysis of the current state and development trends of the electronic healthcare system, as the basis of the digital healthcare ecosystem of Ukraine, was conducted. It creates key services and contains basic data about the health of Ukrainians. A questionnaire survey of respondents was conducted regarding the attitude and willingness of Ukrainians to use electronic health care services in terms of their age distribution and their distribution by gender, according to the time spent on communicating on the Internet and experience using the e-Healthy system, as well as the level of awareness of e-Health. On the basis of processing the results of the survey, as well as interviewing industry experts, information models were developed regarding the level of trust and readiness to use electronic healthcare services. It was determined that a key task for Ukraine in the context of promoting e-Healthy systems is to inform the population about the content, specifics and benefits of its use. Another challenge for the state is the formation of public trust in such services.
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