Experimental research of force wave precession gears with rolling element
harmonic drive, periodic race groove, rolling element, nutation angle, sliding motion, optimization, precessionAbstract
The main task of modern mechanical engineering is to improve the quality and reliability of machinery and mechanisms while reducing their overall dimensions and increasing cost-effectiveness. Wave gears with rolling element are known to be the most efficient type of wave gears in terms of weight, dimensions and efficiency factor. This is achieved by replacing the wave gearing with the spherical engagement which eliminates sliding friction and increases the efficiency factor (due to the exclusion of losses in the wave gearing and wave generator) and gear reliability (due to the exclusion of flexible links). The purpose of the work is to perform experimental research of the new industrial prototype of wave precession gear with rolling element in order to confirm the importance of the performed theoretical studies and practical recommendations developed for the rational engineering of new wave precession gears with rolling element. On the basis of the developed recommendations for the production of wave precession gears with rolling element, a mechanism with optimized design and technological parameters has been engineered and manufactured; it has successfully passed bench tests, during which the efficiency of the mechanism has been confirmed, its efficiency, temperature, vibration and noise tests as well as performance tests have been performed. The use of the design developed for wave precession gears with rolling element allows: (a) reduce material consumption of gears in comparison with traditional gears up to 2.7 times; (b) provide more reliable performance in comparison with wave gears by eliminating the flexible link; (c) ensure the increase of the load- carrying capacity of the mechanism by up to 30 % in comparison with existing wave gears with rolling element. On the basis of the results of experimental research for wave precession gears with rolling element, further strength calculations of wave precession gears with rolling element has been developed with optimization of design parameters according to the criteria of minimum contact stresses and uniform motion of rolling element along the periodic roller path. The experimental research of the developed mechanism with wave precession gears with rolling element confirmed the proper use of the developed recommendations on design and manufacturing technology in terms of serial production of similar drives with high technical and economic indicators.
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