Study ways of modern diagnosis of inter-turn short circuits in stator windings of asynchronous engines with the use of modeling




asynchronous electric motor, inter-turn short circuits, stator winding, diagnostics, reliability increase, simulation modeling, vibration, Park vector


Increasing the reliability of asynchronous electric motors during operation is due to the continuous improvement of existing and development of new diagnostic methods, which is possible on the basis of the results of studies of processes occurring in various engine defects. The most time-consuming and complex is the ability to diagnose and differentiate the inter-turn short circuit of the stator winding. Carrying out studies of processes occurring during inter-turn short circuits and their implementation in diagnostic equipment, taking into account modern technologies, contributes to solve the problems of developing and improving existing methods for diagnosing asynchronous motors. The aim of the work is to conduct research on modern types of diagnostics of the inter-turn short circuit of the stator winding with the analysis of the most significant indicators to achieve an adequate assessment of the recognition of the state of the electric motor and to develop recommendations for further improvement of diagnostic equipment methods. In this work, we studied electromechanical processes in an induction motor using mathematical modeling for an engine with an intact stator and in the presence of inter-turn short circuits of various degrees, comprising 10 % and 20 % reduction in stator winding resistance. The AIR 11kW engine was adopted as the base model for research. Using the model for the engine under study, the hodograph of the Park vector was constructed for the stator short circuit mode without defects and when the complex resistance changes to 80 % because of the inter-turn circuit in the short circuit mode and in the idle mode for a period from 0 to Т=2π/ω. It was established that each of the parameters of the manifestation of the inter-turn circuit, which is considered as determining in various methods, has a partial information content, insufficient for deciding on the state of the motor winding and predicting the time of its trouble-free operation. To increase the reliability of diagnosing and differentiating the degree of inter-turn faults in the stator, a systematic approach based on the analysis of factors using electric, magnetic, thermal and vibration parameters with mandatory implementation is necessary decision theory.


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How to Cite

Gubarevych, O. and Goolak, S. 2020. Study ways of modern diagnosis of inter-turn short circuits in stator windings of asynchronous engines with the use of modeling. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(60) (Feb. 2020), 68–81. DOI: