The method of finding the most natural structure of a biotank power plant
the best structure, biotank power plant, controlled perolysis, adjustable dynamic rangesAbstract
The criterion for choosing the best plant is the difference between gross costs and the baseline options. This search method depends only on the situation and does not reflect the real costs and does not completely take into account the performance indicators. The purpose of the work was to develop a method of finding the best structure of a biotank power plant to maintain the balance of the energy system. Simu- lated methods of simulation have developed an automated control system for the plant of perolysis for the utilization of fermented residues, which are obtained in biogas technology. This made it possible to produce additional product-gas with maximum calorific value. An optimi- zation target function has been identified to find the best structural combinations of a power plant that uses controllable renewable energy sources, depending on external perturbations, to maintain power system balance. As a result of development of the computer-integrated control systems, the best structure of power plants was determined by biotank technology. This structure will consist of a steady-state biore- actor and pyrolysis and steam turbine facility units operating in controlled dynamic ranges. The resulting biomethane and product gas from the pyrolysis facility is sent to the gas holder and then to the diesel generating facility. The carbonaceous residue and resins are fed into the warehouse and then sent to the steam turbine facility. By regulating the operation of the pyrolysis and steam turbine facility, the production of gas diesel electricity is changed, and the power generation at the steam turbine facility is further changed, while the steam turbine facility is not loaded to its maximum value and has a rotating reserve, the efficiency of the best structure is 0.4112.
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