Classification of projects for the protection of marine critical infrastructure facilities




marine critical infrastructure, protection projects classification, system approach, projects program


The Ukraine is a seafaring state whose maritime transport infrastructure is actively operated. That infrastructure includes sea transport routes in the territorial maritime belt and inland waterways, sea and river ports, shipbuilding and ship repair yards, off-shore main pipelines and other facilities. According to the law, these facilities classified as the State's critical infrastructure components are subject to protection. Currently, the scope of issues on managing projects for the development and creation of systems aimed onto marine critical infrastructure facilities protecting against the contemporary threats to their functioning is still at the initial elaboration stage. That substantiates the relevance of urgent scientific task to develop such projects classification which would serve in a theoretical basis for further research in the project management field and would be useful for such facilities' most advanced protection systems building. The article proposes to use as the basic classification features the marine critical infrastructure facilities' pertinency to point-, plane-area or extended type, that allows structuring such facilities' protection basic projects program and ensures their unification at the planning and implementation stages. Departing from the systematic approach principles as to the comprehensive account of the material, energy and information components' functioning and considering the human factor as these facilities efficient operation component, the classification by security type has been proposed for each of the programme projects. Such classification includes the main subprojects “Physical security”, “Power-related securi-ty”, “Information security” and “Personnel security” thus forming the second classification level. The third classification level, based on the system approach principles, covers typical work of the project manager to identify the security objects' properties and the nature of threats, as well as typical works on selecting the necessary security technologies and practices for their successful implementation. The proposed qualification levels are accordingly presented as the sets formed by arrays that include basic projects, main subprojects, and typical works of the project manager. The obtained sets form the entire pattern of works integral to the marine critical infrastructure facilities protection projects program. At the issue of that Works general pattern initial formulation both a database of work templates for similar projects is created; thus the completed standard works, main subprojects, and basic projects do form and constantly contribute to the database of artifacts as to marine critical infrastructure objects protection projects. The entire set or totality of basic projects, main subprojects, and standard works under marine critical infrastructure facilities protection projects program provides an organizational basis for efficient professional activity of such facilities security project managers. Its application in project management practice will reduce the time spent on project planning through use of templates and artifact project accumulated in the corresponding databases as a result of managers’ team project activities.


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Author Biography

Volodymyr Blintsov, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

DSc, Prof.,


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How to Cite

Blintsov, V. and Maidaniuk, P. 2019. Classification of projects for the protection of marine critical infrastructure facilities. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 3(59) (Nov. 2019), 80–89. DOI:



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