Increasing of process energy efficiency of biogas plants production processing


  • M.M. Maksimov Odessа Polytechnic National University
  • V.O. Davydov Odessа Polytechnic National University
  • G.V. Krusir Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies
  • O.B. Maksimova Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies



biogas digesters, digestate, pyrolysis furnace


As a result of the decomposition of plant biomass in biogas digesters, a significant amount of such a resource as digestate is obtained. Formally, this is valuable biofertilizer, but in practice, there are many factors can limit its use. For example, seasonality in need, the need for storage, significant transportation costs, the need for pre-processing, etc. In addition, in the task of growing biomass for its subsequent transformation into electricity, environmentally friendly biofertilizers also lose their relevance. On the other hand, digestate has a significant energy potential. The use of this potential can substantially increase the depth of processing of the initial biomass into electricity. The work evaluates the energy potential of the initial corn biomass and analyzes the efficiency of the thermal treatment of digestate in a pyrolysis furnace. It is shown that utilization of all pyrolysis products will increase the yield of useful energy by 62% in comparison with the energy potential of biogas produced. Utilization of pyrogas only increases the efficiency of the entire process by 38%.


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Author Biographies

V.O. Davydov, Odessа Polytechnic National University

PhD, Assoc. Prof.

G.V. Krusir, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies



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How to Cite

Maksimov, M., Davydov, V., Krusir, G. and Maksimova, O. 2017. Increasing of process energy efficiency of biogas plants production processing. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 3(53) (Nov. 2017), 43–53. DOI: