Еnhancement of reliability and efficiency of cooling towers of nuclear power plants
cooling tower, cooling efficiency, wetting surface, sprinkling nozzlesAbstract
Present paper contains results of Rivne nuclear power plant cooling towers testing to define their cooling efficiency change during continuous service by means of comparing the actual temperature of cooled water with the calculated value defined based on technological performance determined for previous testing period. In order to determine the possibility of increasing the cooling efficiency of cooling towers, the effect of extra increase of cooling tower wetting surface on the performance of the tower has been investigated. The influence of antifreezing heater on water cooling in the cooling towers in summer has been detected. It was ascertained that cooling efficiency of the cooling towers decreased in comparison with previous testing period due to the deterioration of uniformity of wetting with cooling water by the sprinklers of the towers. This is caused by clogging and breakdown of insufficiently effective and weak sprinkling nozzles. We managed to achieve the increase of cooling efficiency of cooling towers by means of their wetting surface increase, as well as unorganized cooling water leakage reducing. This enabled to ensure more uniform feed of cooling water on the tower packing and to reduce water temperature.
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