The role of ecological safety in ergonomics development
ergonomics, ecological safety, environment, safety of vital activityAbstract
The problem of a necessity of application of ecological safety aspects for increasing of ergonomics decisions effectiveness is considered. Actuality of the marked problem is conditioned by the presence of close intercommunication between these concepts, and possibility of their further application for development of new events and facilities of human and environment safety increase. The lack of attention in ergonomics to issues of ecologization of human life and society is shown. The aim of the work is analysis and research of ecological safety role in modern ergonomics development. Systematic, sinergistical and reproductive approaches as well as common scientific and special methods of research are applied. Integration of ecological constituents in ergonomics allows to consider perspective application of it for the solution of tasks of improving the safety of human and society (both of present and future); to extend it usage in many directions: in a theory and methodology, methodical vehicle, normatively-technical documentation, modern developments, organizational questions, personal training and other. Separate positions of work at the level of statement of a question can be a base for further deep researches.
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