Numerical and experimental investigation of heating processes in rubbercord composite un-der cyclic deformation
Rubber-cord composite, self-heating, hysteresis loop, cyclic deformationAbstract
Composite materials such as elastomers, are widely used in modern engineering. An essential feature of such mate-rials is their viscoelasticity. It’s accompanied with the release of energy as a heat. The self-heating process leads to rising of temperature, which causes the mechanical properties changing. That significantly influences on the strength of designs, accelerates the aging and degrada-tion processes and significantly reduces a design life. Aim deals with the identification of the regularities of thermal state of rubber-cord composites by numerical simulation using data which was obtained experimentally at different conditions of cyclic loading. Numerical mod-eling of heat-transfer problem was carried out using finite element method; the experimental studies were carried out by using of modern measuring complex INSTRON/E3000. The qualitative and quantitative regularities of hysteresis loops that were formed during cyclic defor-mation of rubber-cord composite depending on time were obtained during the research. As a result of the numerical simulation of convective heat transfer problem the temperature distribution pattern of the specimen were obtained. Heating curves were also obtained in dependence of temperature on strain amplitudes and the frequ
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