Methodology of biochemical stability determination of compositional systems based on hydroxyapatit
biomaterials, basalt scales, hydroxyapatite, metrological supportAbstract
The growing quantity of people with bone pathology causes the urgency of finding the new reconstruction materials. However, their application may experience different side effects that result the rejection reactions. Materials based on hydroxyapatite are the most widely used in osteoplasty as this material is characterized by its non-toxicity, biocompatibility and corrosion resistance. Hydroxyapatite in its chemical composition is analogous to the mineral constituent of bone, contributing to its regeneration. Aim: The aim is to develop a comprehensive methodology to study the behavior of basalt scales and compositional system “hydroxyapatite + basalt scales” in environments that simulate fluids of living body. Materials and Methods: A comprehensive approach that includes specific preparing of samples and biological environments and complex chemical, photoelectric colorimetric and X-ray studies were applied to evaluate the biochemical stability of the studied material. Calibration curves were prepared during photoelectric colorimetry to determine the amount of substance. Two methods of sample preparation were used to determine the amount of total iron in the filtrate during the study of biochemical stability of the composition systems “hydroxyapatite + basalt scales” in physiological environments. Results: Based on the multi-chemical analysis it can be concluded about the physical and chemical stability in interaction of studied basalt scales powders and composite systems “hydroxyapatite + basalt scales” with the blood plasma and Ringer's solution and Ringer-Locke solution that imitate the fluid of a living body.
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