Functioning principles of the internal quality assurance system of educational services
quality of educational services, international standards, student centered model, policy and mission in quality fieldAbstract
With ever increasing demands of a labor market for specialists the important role played revision of approaches to quality of education. In accordance with the European standards and guidelines on quality of higher education (ESG) a new paradigm of higher education is student centered approach to learning, teaching and assessment of results. Aim: The aim of research is to determine the principles of the internal system of quality assurance of educational services in higher education institutions. Materials and Methods: Each educational institution according to the context of its activity has to independently manage the principles of operation, their justification and degrees of importance. The authors proposed and described the cycle model of strategic management of universities in order to achieve sustainable development. Results: In this paper the authors presented the proposals on policy, mission and objectives of the higher education institution in the field of quality in order to implement student centered teaching. It is shown that the definition of the principles of the internal system of quality assurance operation of educational services in higher education institutions is a strategically important decision that will improve their work and allow them to initiate and manage sustainable development.
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