Prediction of strain state of landfill considering soil foundation and angle of slope


  • N.S. Remez National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
  • T.A. Osipova National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”



landfill, municipal solid waste, strain, mathematical modelling


Today increase in volumes of accumulation of a household waste acts as a global serious problem. Ukraine occupies one of the first places on the list in the world by garbage quantity per capita. Already about 7% of the territory in the country are under municipal solid waste, besides more than 52 million tons of household waste are annually formed. In this regard, sharply raises the question of the stability of landfills after their closure for further use as a basis for engineering constructions and designs. Aim: The aim of this research is to establish the dependence of settlement of the closed landfill on the properties of the underlying soil, as well as the landfill slope angle to predict the possibility of using it as a basis for construction. Materials and Methods: The phased load of landfill by waste layers and angle of inclination were taken into account during the research. The covering and underlying layers are described by Coulomb-Mohr model. The body of landfill was modeled as a weak ground considering its creep. The Soft Soil Creep (SSC) model was applied for this. The finite elements method was used for numerical solution of the problem. Results: In this work the mathematical model of sedimentation of municipal solid waste constructed for the first time, taking into account geometrical and physical and mechanical parameters of landfill and soil base, which will allow further prediction the use of landfill for building structures on it for various purposes. As a result of researches was found that with decreasing of inclination angle of the landfill slope there is a significant decrease in settlement. Thus, while reducing the angle from 75° to 30° the settlement is reduced by 5...22% depending on the type of soil foundation. The largest landfill reduction is observed for the least dense soil (sand).


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Author Biography

N.S. Remez, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

DSc, Prof.


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How to Cite

Remez, N. and Osipova, T. 2016. Prediction of strain state of landfill considering soil foundation and angle of slope. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(49) (Jun. 2016), 40–46. DOI: