Numerical researches of DGRP-type experimental frames using the finite elements method
curved frame, glulam beams, cornice node, stress-strain state, finite elements methodAbstract
One of the most common types of structures made of glulam beams is curved frames. A lot of industrial plants and public buildings are built using curved frames. The using of such frames in buildings with an aggressive environment showed their great reliability. However, with all the advantages of curved frames with glulam beams their using is constrained by imperfect methods of stress analysis based on the principles of calculation of structures with solid wood. The need for careful study and improvement of methods of calculation of Curved frames determines the relevance of researched topic. Aim: The aim of this research is to study the numerous researches of pilot frame for further improving of methods of stress analysis in the curtain nodes of curved frames. Materials and Methods: In order to achieve this goal the theoretical displacements and component stress state were determined using experimental elastic characteristics of the frames material. Glulam beams compared to a solid closer to trans tropic design scheme of symmetry, according to which the mechanical and elastic properties of building materials in planes perpendicular direction along the wood fibers are equivalent.For reliable determination of the parameters of the stress-strain state in the elements of any shape, getting of quality pictures of stress distribution along the length of the frame and establishing patterns of changes in stress in the composition of the assembly, the software system LIRA-CAD has been used , where a model of orthogonal anisotropy (orthotropy) in the plate finite elements has been realized. Results: Analyzing the results, we can conclude that the overall coincidence between theoretical and experimental data is satisfactory. Arguably, the strained state of frames obtained by theoretical calculation with taking into account the real physical and mechanical characteristics of the experimental designs material is significant. Given that in the compressed-bending elements the additional bending moment on the normal force is a function of movement, we can assume that this calculation method of finite elements in LIRA-CAD allows satisfactorily determine the tension in view of the deformed circuit frames and anisotropy of physical and mechanical properties of glulam beams.
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