Application of monosymmetrical I-beams in light metal frames with variable stiffness


  • I.O. Sklyarov Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture



monosymmetrical I-beams, thin-walled structures, variable cross section frame, lightweight steel structures


The article is devoted to effectiveness of using of monosymmetrical I-beams with flexible wall frame structures of variable section, features of their calculation and design. Aim: The aim of research is to confirm the feasibility of I-beams with flexible wall bearing as light metal skeletons for buildings of the universal assignment. Materials and Methods: In order to reduce the metal consumption a frame is conventionally divided into several sections according to bending moment diagrams so that in the more compressed zone section the belt of great area was located, and in the stretched or less intense zone the lesser belt was installed. The resulting sections have smaller area in compare to symmetric profiles. Additional reduce bending moments provided as a result of displacement of elements axes with variable cross section. Results: The calculations and selection of sections of the frame have shown that it can be achieved the reducing of bearing elements weight by 10% compared to the symmetrical profiles of variable stiffness due to using monosymmetrical sections. The effectiveness of the proposed constructive solution is confirmed by compare of the projected weight frame construction with existing analogue. The symmetrical frame profile is 15.3% lighter; the monosymmetrical frame profile is 27% lighter. Conclusions: Analysis of stress-strain state structures shown: first, through asymmetrical profile there is a shifting of the center of gravity section, which leads to a redistribution of internal forces in the frame; secondly, because of the small cross-sectional area of the stretched zones more difficult to ensure the stability of the plane form of bending beams, which leads to the necessity to disconnect areas curtain beams by constraints of smaller steps.


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Author Biography

I.O. Sklyarov, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

PhD, Assoc.Prof.


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How to Cite

Sklyarov, I. 2016. Application of monosymmetrical I-beams in light metal frames with variable stiffness. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(48) (Mar. 2016), 30–34. DOI: