The new designs of diamond drill bits for composite polymers tooling


  • R.Yu. Melentiev Odessа Polytechnic National University



designs of diamond drill bits, drilling, carbon fiber reinforced plastic, drill core blocking


The author explores the drilling operation of some new engineering materials such as carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) and other polymers that have an anisotropic structure, high-strength and elastic properties combined with low heat endurance. Such combination of properties makes impossible the simple transfer of the existing technologies for classic materials working to considered new class. At the same time, the existing tools cannot assure the specified quality of tooled products at the current productivity and tool life. Aim: The aim of this research is to increase the process efficiency of diamond drilling in composite polymers by developing the new designs of diamond drill bits. Materials and Methods: One of the most promising directions to solve this problem is the diamond coated abrasive type tool. This paper addresses and classifies the existing types of diamond drill bits according to their application and operation. The literature data analysis of known disadvantages during drilling operation, the quality of surface and joining face was performed. Results: The experimental researches of the author prove the negative meaning of the already known but kept out fact – the drill core blocking. The most important factors and structural features affecting the CFRP drilling process are revealed. The accounting of these factors allowed creating the set of unique designs of diamond drill bits for different purposes. The presented patented models has different allowance distribution schemes and cutting forces, thus satisfy the mechanical requirements of quality, productivity, tool life and hole geometry in the tooling of the specified material class.


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Author Biography

R.Yu. Melentiev, Odessа Polytechnic National University



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How to Cite

Melentiev, R. 2015. The new designs of diamond drill bits for composite polymers tooling. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 3(47) (Dec. 2015), 24–34. DOI: