Structural optimization of static power control programs of nuclear power plants with WWER-1000


  • E.O. Kokol Odessа Polytechnic National University



WWER-1000, NPP, control program, target function, multicriteria optimization


The question of possibility the power control programs switching for WWER-1000 is considered. Aim: The aim of this research is to determine the best program for the power control of nuclear reactor under cyclic diurnal behavior of electrical generation, as well as the switching implementation. Materials and Methods: The considered problem of finding the best control program refers to the multicriteria optimization class of problems. Operation of the nuclear power generation system simulated using the following power control programs: with constant average temperature of transfer fluid, with constant pressure in the reactor secondary circuit, with constant temperature in input of the nuclear reactor. Results: The target function was proposed. It consists of three normalized criteria: the burn up fraction, the damage level of fuel rod array shells, as well as changes in the power values. When simulation of the nuclear power generation system operation within the life was done, the values of the selected criteria were obtained and inserted in the target function. The minimum of three values of the target function depending on the control program at current time defined the criterion of switching of considered static power control programs for nuclear power generation system.


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Author Biography

E.O. Kokol, Odessа Polytechnic National University



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How to Cite

Kokol, E. 2015. Structural optimization of static power control programs of nuclear power plants with WWER-1000. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 3(47) (Nov. 2015), 41–46. DOI: