Assessment of two-level heat pump installations’ power efficiency for heat supply systems




heating loading, freon, two-level heat pump installation, low-potential source of heat, high-potential source of heat, power efficiency


The problem of energy saving becomes one of the most important in power engineering. It is caused by exhaustion of world reserves in hydrocarbon fuel, such as gas, oil and coal representing sources of traditional heat supply. Conventional sources has essential shortcomings: low power, ecological and economic efficiencies, that can be eliminated by using alternative methods of power supply, like  the considered one: low-temperature natural heat of ground waters of  on the basis of heat pump installations application. The heat supply system considered provides an effective use of two-level heat pump installation operating as heat source the Odessa city ground waters during the lowest ambient temperature period. Proposed is a calculation method of heat pump installations on the basis of geothermal heat supply. Calculated are the values of electric energy consumption N by the compressors’ drive, and the heat supply system transformation coefficient µ for a source of geothermal heat from ground waters of Odessa city allowing to estimate efficiency of two-level heat pump installations.


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Author Biographies

А.Е. Denysova, Odessа Polytechnic National University

DEng, Prof.

I.O. Bodnar, Odessа Polytechnic National University



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How to Cite

Denysova А. and Bodnar, I. 2015. Assessment of two-level heat pump installations’ power efficiency for heat supply systems. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(46) (Mar. 2015), 85–91. DOI: