Determination of optimal strategy for radio control of technical facilities in case of unilateral tracking


  • Yuriy A. Maksymenko Military Academy



technical facilities, radio control system, optimal strategy


Today the problem of choosing a complex system of radio control of technical facilities in conditions of counteraction is relevant. There is a new level of the problem of reality of statistical guarantees of uninterrupted radio control. In this paper, the research of opportunities to optimize the radio control of technical facilities of protection of counteraction at the time when radio system which controls the technical facilities can determine the other system’s means of countering and the system that creates noise and works on the same frequency cannot. It is needed for further work on the development of devices for the control of technical facilities that are more adapted to be used considering the electromagnetic compatibility.


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How to Cite

Maksymenko, Y.A. 2015. Determination of optimal strategy for radio control of technical facilities in case of unilateral tracking. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(46) (Mar. 2015), 155–159. DOI:



Electronics. Radio engineering. Telecommunication facilities