Synthesis of lever-blade dampers with enhanced mechanical structure


  • I.I. Sydorenko Odessа Polytechnic National University
  • Yi Heng Zhang Odessа Polytechnic National University



lever-blade damper, mechanical control loop, shock absorber performance


Since the torsion bar represents just an elastic element, the energy dissipation in suspensions problem is highly relevant for its application. Currently in quality of a dissipation device in torsion suspension are used the hydraulic dampers with movable members reciprocating translational motion respectively to the housing or lever-type hydraulic shock absorbers of piston and vane types, with the movable member’s rotational movement respectively to the housing. These dampers are implementing only throttle-valve performance type, associated with these devices’ functional capacities and depending on design constraints. The paper presents a synthesis of innovative lever-blade dampers, whose performance is not related to the value of working chambers inner pressure. Their essential peculiarity relates to the mechanical control loop presence in the structure that determines a close relationship between the performance and the value of the shock absorber movable element displacement relatively to the body. In the process of synthesis carried out tested are the appropriate methods, built on the basis of technical systems’ modeling with modified kinematic graphs. The synthesis results are shown in the form of two structurally implemented samples. Performed is a comparative analysis of the samples with their basic performance determining.


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Author Biography

I.I. Sydorenko, Odessа Polytechnic National University

DEng, Prof.


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How to Cite

Sydorenko, I. and Zhang, Y.H. 2014. Synthesis of lever-blade dampers with enhanced mechanical structure. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(45) (Dec. 2014), 15–20. DOI: