Investigating the dependencies of rotary gas meters error on flowrate for designing the adaptive measurement system.




rotary gas meter, gas flowrate, systematic error, metrological verification, adaptive measurement system


In this paper, the error of gas flowrate measured by rotary gas meters was investigated based on the results of experimental studies of the metrological characteristics of rotary gas meters obtained during their periodic metrological inspection. According to the results of statistical processing of rotary gas meters errors obtained during their metrological verification, the averaged errors for each verified flowrate were determined. In this way, the dependencies of the averaged meter error on the measured flowrate for various types of rotary gas meters were obtained. For each obtained dependence, the root mean square deviation of the averaged error was calculated, which confirms the adequacy of the obtained dependencies. To evaluate the integral systematic error of meters of each individual type over a long period of operation, the average weighted error was determined according to DSTU OIML R 137-1-2:2018, as well as the average measurement error of gas volume during the year according to the methodology proposed by the authors. The presence of the dependencies of gas meter error on the measured value of the flowrate makes it possible to isolate the unexcluded systematic error for every measured flowrate. The implementation of such a dependence in the flowrate computing software makes it possible to develop an adaptive system for measuring gas flowrate and volume, which corrects the measured value of the flowrate considering the unexcluded systematic error of the flowrate measurement. By integrating the systematic error of flowrate measurement in such a system, an archive of the systematic errors of gas volume is formed. The presence of gas volume systematic errors in the computer archive makes it possible to analyze this error and develop measures to eliminate it.


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How to Cite

Pistun, O. and Matiko, F. 2024. Investigating the dependencies of rotary gas meters error on flowrate for designing the adaptive measurement system . Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(69) (May 2024), 143–150. DOI:



Metrology, standardization and certification