Model of automated control of the electric power system to ensure reliability and fficiency of power supply in the event of disturbances and imbalances.




power system, reliability, efficiency, imbalance, object-oriented analysis, object, attribute, relationship, process


The article presents a simulation model of automated control for the electric power system that ensures reliable and efficient power supply under disturbances and imbalances. This work involves the development of an informational model of the electric power system, state models of objects, and data flow diagrams of actions. The developed electric power system models allow for the analysis of interactions between objects and processes and quickly identify potential issues, optimizing the system's operation to enhance its reliability and efficiency. One of the key aspects is the system's adaptability, which enables prompt responses to changes in power balance, critical for ensuring the stable operation of the electric power system. The proposed model ensures reliable and efficient power supply by considering the specifics of the interaction between objects and processes within the system. The integration of these objects allows the system to adapt to both internal and external changes, such as disturbances or imbalances, ensuring stable operation even under unpredictable conditions. The article discusses the main principles of operation of each object and their interaction with one another. The state models reflect the lifecycle of objects in the occurrence of events within the electric power system, allowing for more accurate predictions of their behavior and effective system management. The developed data flow diagrams of actions facilitate convenient and efficient modeling of the functional nature of actions of objects, reflecting crucial processes to maintain the stability of the power system. The use of object-oriented models significantly improves the detection of issues and the optimization of the operation of individual elements within the power system. This reduces the risks of unauthorized disconnections and contributes to accurate planning and adjustment of the energy system's operation, taking into account changing conditions. The application of such models ensures effective decision-making and allows for the rapid restoration of power and voltage balance within the system, guaranteeing uninterrupted power supply even under disturbances.


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How to Cite

Zubak, V., Kipriianov, I. and Filippov, Y. 2024. Model of automated control of the electric power system to ensure reliability and fficiency of power supply in the event of disturbances and imbalances. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(70) (Nov. 2024), 108–122. DOI:



Informacion technology. Automation