Investigation of the influence of structural inhomogeneities on the strength of welded joints of functionally gradient materials




weld strength, defect, mathematical model, stress intensity factor, adequacy


The effect of defects on the mechanical properties of joints of functionally gradient materials, which depends on their shape, operating conditions, and the nature of the load, is considered. The presence of defects in the welded joints significantly reduces the working ability of the structures and, under certain conditions, can lead to their destruction. The problem of the strength of structures that have welded joints is because of the installation of local stress concentrators, near defects of the cracks in which the stresses are well above average. To determine the strength of welded joints and to establish the requirements for their quality, a mathematical model is built that allows you to investigate the impact of the most likely defects on the strength of the joints. The defects taking place in the welding joints on the load-bearing capacity of the structures can be realized by the necessary criterion of local destruction of К1с and the action of operational loads. Based on the value of the stress intensity factor and the value of the heat flux acting on the structure found by the model, by which the stresses are formed in the joint, it is possible to determine the limiting values of the defect size, at which this defect will remain in equilibrium without forming the main crack. The adequacy of the research results obtained was theoretically verified by the strength of welded joints of aluminum alloys, taking into account hot cracks in them. The deformation strengthening of welded joints, which occurs in high-strength complex alloyed aluminum alloys, reduces their strength because of the appearance of intermetallic phases in them, and welds.


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Author Biography

Аnatoly Vasyl’ovych Usov, Odessа Polytechnic National University

Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and engineering,D.Sc. (engineering), professor, head of the chair of higher mathematics and systems simulation,  Оdessa National Polytechnic University.

А. V. Usov was born in Khats’ki village (Cherkassy region) on July 11, 1949. He graduated from the Odesa Polytechnic Institute (1971, M.Sc. in mechanical engineering) and from the Odesa State University named after І.І. Меchnikov (1976, M.Sc. in mathematics). 

А. V. Usov is a well-known scientist in the field of machine building, information technologies    , mathematical simulation of technical systems. For the first time in the Former Soviet Union, he worked out and implemented a technology for ensuring the final production processing quality, a fiber cable manufacturing technique, as well as the corresponding thermomechanical processes control methods. 

In 1985 А.V. Usov created the scientific school “Thermal effects and control methods for ensuring the job surfaces quality at mechanical treatment” in the  Оdessa National Polytechnic University. He introduced his scientific products at some defence industry enterprises of Ukraine and Russia including the Ukhtomskyi helicopter factory (OKB “Kamov”, Russia), the Southern-Turbine works (Mykolayiv city), the Permskyi motor works (Perm city, Russia), the “Міcron” and  “Оdeskabel” plants  (Оdesa city). 

In 2001 А.V. Usov obtained his State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and engineering for introducing state-of-the-art fiber cable manufacturing technologies. He has published 205 scientific works including 15 monographs, 1 textbook, 8 manuals, 4 author's certificates.      

In 1998 А.V. Usov was elected a member of the National Committee on theoretical and applied mechanics. In 2000–2006 he was a member of the Council of experts on machine science and general engineering, the Supreme  Certification Commission of Ukraine.

Working as the head of the chair of higher mathematics and systems simulation,  А.V. Usov has done a lot to improve the education and training courses. He is the head of a specialized scientific council on Ph. D. and D. Sc. dissertations at the Odesa National Polytechnic University, and permanently works with young researchers and educators.


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How to Cite

Usov А.V., Morozov, Y.A., Kunitsyn, M., Tonkonozhenko, A. and Chernush, I. 2020. Investigation of the influence of structural inhomogeneities on the strength of welded joints of functionally gradient materials. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(60) (Feb. 2020), 21–34. DOI: