Modern trends in the digitalization of processes at construction enterprises.
construction enterprises, digitalisation, economic system, Industry 4.0, innovative transformations, post-war recovery, digital technologiesAbstract
The article explores the current trends in the digitalization of processes at construction enterprises in Ukraine, which require assessment in the context of the country’s post-war recovery. The degree of integration of digital technologies into various stages of the construction project life cycle is examined. The current financial and economic position of enterprises in the construction sector is analysed and it is identified as a qualifying factor that influences on the innovative and investment renewal of the sector’s activities. The use of digitalization as a benchmark for evaluating developers is proposed, which will contribute to increasing the transparency and reliability of their financial and economic activities. The SWOT analysis of the digitalization processes in construction enterprises is suggested as a study of a complex set of factors that set the vector for the sector’s development, creating the preconditions for the transition of construction business participants to digital standards and establishing it as a relevant addition to the dialogue about the digital prospects of the construction sector. Conducting a thorough analysis of the strengths and weaknesses, advantages, and disadvantages of digitalization processes in design at construction enterprises provides an objective assessment of construction company management’s readiness to use modern tools to improve a range of business processes. The need for reforming business process management approaches at construction enterprises on the basis of digitalization is emphasized, as it is one of the key factors for ensuring the sustainable development of construction companies. The work highlights the importance of supporting digital changes for the economic revival of the country and the competitiveness of construction enterprises in the context of Industry 4.0.
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