Analysis of the impact of global climate warming on electric consumption of multiflat houses in the Odessa city




global warming climate, power consumption, multiflat houses, forecasting


The results of the analysis of the dynamics of global climate warming on the Earth and within the city of Odessa in the previous century and in recent years are presented. The study was performed by modeling the Hydrometerсenter information for the indicated periods. The correlation analysis of the primary information revealed which factors, such as the temperature of the ground layers of air, the duration of the daytime, atmospheric pressure, humidity and air velocity, the cloudiness of the sky, most influence the dynamics of power consumption of city objects. The depth of influence of the temperature dynamics of the environment is revealed, which by Pearson's correlation coefficient showed the strongest negative connection with the power consumption of the 216-apartment house. Significant, as compared to previous years, growth of summer electricity consumption has been established, which is explained by intensive work, as a rule, of household air conditioners, refrigeration and ventilation units of residents of an apartment building due to the abnormal ambient air temperature. Extrapolation of the values of the temperature dynamics of the environment predicts the probable magnitude of the regional temperature increase at the end of 2025. This made it possible to determine the expected magnitude of an increase in electricity consumption of an apartment building due to its dependence on the increase in regional air temperature over the specified period. The calculation is based on an application program in the MathCad environment based on the use of macromodel parameters of annual electricity consumption of a multi-flat residential building.The information received can be used by energy and electricity companies to plan their normal activities, which will contribute to a comfortable and safe life for the city's population, avoid crises that affect the reliability of electricity supply, eliminate the effects of climate anomalies.


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Author Biography

Anatoliі Bondarchuk, Odessа Polytechnic National University

PhD, Assoc. Prof.,


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How to Cite

Bondarchuk, A. and Nechiporuk, E. 2019. Analysis of the impact of global climate warming on electric consumption of multiflat houses in the Odessa city. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 3(59) (Nov. 2019), 38–43. DOI: