Diagnostics of in-core neutron monitoring system based on artificial neural network





self-powered neutron detector, neutron flux measuring channel, in-core monitoring system, neural network, system diagnostics, signal reliability


One of the tasks of the diagnostics of in-core neutron control is the task of diagnostics of self-powered neutron detectors, namely the determination of reliability of self-powered neutron detectors signal, that is, the detection of the fault self-powered neutron detectors SPND. It is important to be able to estimate the power density in the fuel assembly with this self-powered neutron detector. The article discusses the features of the restoration of the self-powered neutron detectors signal based on the application of neural network technology. The restoration of the self-powered neutron detector signal means a model-based restoration of a signal that is not available due to physical damage of detector. A trained neural network, based on the monitoring of input information, can with a high degree of accuracy predict the appearance of defects in the equipment and assess the degree of its technical condition. The neural networks of three different architectures were considered: without hidden layers, with one hidden layer and two hidden layers. As the input of the neural network were taken self-powered neutron detectors signals from the various number of neutron flux measuring channels – from 3 to 63. As the output of the neural network were taken self-powered neutron detectors signals that were chosen for prediction. The simulation was carried out for different self-powered neutron detectors, both in terms of year of use and location in the core, as well as for different power units and fuel campaigns (26th and 27th fuel campaigns of ZNPP-5, 27th and 28th fuel campaigns of KhNPP-1, 11th and 12th fuel campaigns of KhNPP-2). The influence of the number of input signals, as well as the effect of the number of hidden layers on the error of the determination of the output signal, were investigated. A comparison of neuronal training algorithms (Levenberg-Marquardt and L-BFGS) was carried out. It is shown the importance of choosing such input signals for the neural network, which determine the nature of the output signal most. It is shown that the restoration of self-powered neutron detectors signals is possible with an error not more than 2%, provided neural network learning on a wide range of data, which allows to control the energy distribution in the fuel assembly with fault self-powered neutron detector.


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Author Biographies

Volodymyr Borysenko, Institute for Safety Problems of Nuclear Power Plants of National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Ukraine


Anatolii Nosovskyi, Institute for Safety Problems of Nuclear Power Plants of National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Ukraine

DSc, Prof.


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How to Cite

Borysenko, V., Goranchuk, V. and Nosovskyi, A. 2019. Diagnostics of in-core neutron monitoring system based on artificial neural network. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(58) (Sep. 2019), 33–44. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15276/opu.2.58.2019.04.