Design of engineering objects using the information model




information model, electric scooter frame, sketch, simulation, parametric three-dimensional model


Information design of engineering objects is based on using the information models of objects. The information model allows you to create an algorithm for designing and manufacturing the desired object. The study aims to develop an information model that reduces the time spent on designing, testing, and analyzing load design. We propose a technique and technology for creating an information computer model of the frame of an electric scooter. Five stages of frame construction using the information model are discussed in detail. The sequence of designing a frame from a two-dimensional parametric sketch to a three-dimensional parametric adaptive model is described in detail. The article analyzes the voltage and optimizes the construction of the electric scooter frame using the Autodesk Inventor software for modeling and design, thanks to the automated design (CAE) simulation of the electric scooter frame, stress analysis, numerical analysis, and frame structure optimization. The influence of mechanical loads on the luggage part and the central elements of the frame are investigated. The simulation analysis is carried out, which allow to study the design for the deformation of the luggage part and the deformation of the frame as a whole, taking into account all the loads. Appropriate solutions have been obtained to obtain a reliable and secure frame construction for an electric scooter. The results of the load simulation allow you to optimize the frame of the electric scooter for different design options. The proposed information model can be used for different frame structures. Using an information model reduces time and increases the reliability of the object's construction. Based on the information model obtained, a subroutine for automated design of frame structures of electric scooters will be developed in CAD Inventor.


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Author Biography

Volodimir Tigarev, Odessа Polytechnic National University

DSc, Assoc. Prof.,


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How to Cite

Tigarev, V., Salii, V., Lopakov, A. and Goncharenko, A. 2019. Design of engineering objects using the information model. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(58) (Sep. 2019), 91–95. DOI:



Computer and information networks and systems. Manufacturing automation