Research of a combined heat supply system with alternative energy sources




combined heat supply system, alternative energy sources, intermittent heating, wind turbine, heat pump, mathematical modeling


The configuration of an energy-efficient combined heat supply system of the educational building of the Odessа Polytechnic National University with alternative energy sources is proposed. An experimental database of wind speed, which is tied to the dislocation of the combined heat supply system, was obtained. The averaged data on the wind speed of the Odesa weather site during the heating period have been adjusted. The conditions for using the energy potential of the wind to create a combined system are considered. A calculation model was obtained for the integral repeatability of the wind speed according to the Weibull probability distribution for the heating period. On the basis of the developed mathematical model of the dynamics of thermal processes of the elements of the combined system and the model of the energy potential of the wind, the modes of operation of the heat supply system when the temperature of the outside air changes are investigated. With the application of a mathematical model of the heating system, the optimal daily schedule of the intermittent operation of the heating system in terms of energy efficiency is given. The optimal schedules of the electrical and thermal load of the elements of the combined heat supply system in the intermittent heating mode have been worked out. Daily schedules of charge-discharge modes of the water heat accumulator and the electric accumulator battery have been developed, which ensure optimal loading of the system elements. The evaluation of the effectiveness of the substitution coefficient at a change in the outside air temperature from 5 to –15 °С was carried out. The energy balances of the combined system were studied in order to substantiate the rational parameters of its elements and the system as a whole. The possibility of creating a highly efficient autonomous heating system based on modern energy technologies using alternative energy sources and taking into account their local potential has been confirmed.


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Author Biography

Hennadii Balasanian, Odessа Polytechnic National University

DSc, Prof.,


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How to Cite

Balasanian, H. and Semenyii, A. 2023. Research of a combined heat supply system with alternative energy sources. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(68) (Sep. 2023), 25–32. DOI: