Improvement of the model and method of artillery installation target damage control with minimal combat capability loss




artillery system, control model, current structure, solution search method, dynamic programming problem, algorithm, automated control system


Artillery systems of the armed forces of the state ensure its security and sovereignty. Modern artillery systems perform combat work close to the tasks of tactical missiles, with reduced time and resources. An integral part of military art is tactics, which is inherent in the information environment and its implementation by specialized units. An integral part of tactical research of any military operation is its mathematical modeling. Of particular interest is the possibility of obtaining simulation results in the case of the fundamental absence of some types of combat resources, or the use of only one type of weapons. A model of controlling the combat work of an artillery i system has been developed, which resolves the execution of the combat task of destroying the target with a given number of shells under the condition of changing the firing position in order to reduce the probability of its fire damage by the artillery installation of the opposing side. The model considers that all shots are effective. The model assumes that the number of firing positions is equal to the number of shots, and the minimum number of shots from a firing position is equal to one. The model of change of position does not involve a return to the previous ones. Simulations of movement from one position to another take place along one of the roads of different quality. A method of finding a decision on the state of execution of the combat task by the artillery system of the attacking party has been developed. The concept of the current structure of combat mission performance is introduced. The method of finding a solution about the state of execution of a combat task by an artillery system can be attributed to the solution of Pareto-oriented problems, or dynamic programming problems. The model calculation method consists of a general algorithm, which is based on developed specialized additional algorithms. The obtained results proved the possibility of carrying out a combat mission with a maximum of two shots from each firing position. Just as the tactic of expending shots to destroy a target in the amount of 10 shots is focused on defensive tactics, the tactic of destroying a target in the amount of 4 shots can correspond to combat actions during the offensive. Therefore, the “shot-and-scoot” offensive tactic can be called “hid-and-shot”.


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Author Biographies

Oksana Maksymova, Scientific and Research Center Armed Forces of Ukraine

PhD, Assoc. Prof.,

Viktor Boltyonkov, Odessа Polytechnic National University

PhD, Assoc. Prof.,


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How to Cite

Maksymova, O., Boltyonkov, V., Gultsov, P. and Maksymov, O. 2023. Improvement of the model and method of artillery installation target damage control with minimal combat capability loss. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(68) (Dec. 2023), 98–115. DOI:



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