Transmission and diffraction of impulse waves in foam media with cavities.




foam media, non-stationary problem, wave diffraction


Widespread use of foam materials in construction, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost and facilitate construction, caused increasing interest in the development of methods studying the stress state of such materials during action of various dynamic loads triggered by technological and
mechanical influences. Research of transmission of waves that arises from the effects of such influences will give an opportunity to more
accurately assess the strength of such structural elements and the effectiveness of their use. The aim of the work is to develop a method for
studying the transmission and diffraction of elastic impulses in foam materials with tunnel cavities of an arbitrary cross-section. In order to
solve the problem the boundary integral equations method was used together with the time Fourier transform, which made it possible to
obtain integral equations in a complex form for the Cosserat pseudo-continuum. Using the developed approach the research of transmission
and diffraction of weak shock waves on tunnel cavities in foam media was carried out based on the analysis of fields of dynamic and radial


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How to Cite

Mikulich, .O. and Shvabyuk, V. 2024. Transmission and diffraction of impulse waves in foam media with cavities. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(54) (Feb. 2024), 18–25. DOI: