Classification of projects on energy supply systems development of port infrastructure facilities.




port, port infrastructure, project management, classification, artifact nature, archiving, project features


Taking into account the current state of port infrastructure we can state that the problem to be solved is complex modernization and reconstruction of port infrastructure facilities including energy supply systems. One of the directions of this problem solution is the development and introduction into practice of the formation and implementation of energy supply systems development projects the methods and models of project management theory. Efficient management of projects on energy supply systems development of port infrastructure facilities is an important scientific and applied problem and the solution of which is of national importance. It has been shown that the project classification allows the project team to identify those management processes that need further development and take this into account when signing relevant project management contracts. Based on the completed research the main classification features of projects on energy supply systems development of port infrastructure facilities were determined which enabled developing their classification


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How to Cite

Kharytonov, Y. and Chеrnovа L. 2024. Classification of projects on energy supply systems development of port infrastructure facilities. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(54) (Feb. 2024), 85–91. DOI:



Project and program managment