Synthesis of nonlinear elastic couplings on the basis of modified kinematic graphs




elastic coupling, mechanical feedback, synthesized design


In this work the analytical research of existing elastic couplings with linear mechanical feedback and synthesis was carried out taking into account passive elastic couplings with nonlinear mechanical feedback. The analysis and synthesis of devices was carried out using the theory of modified kinematic graphs, according to which the principles of idealized representation of the structure of a passive elastic coupling with an additional mechanical contour are formed. The criterion for choosing the optimal solution was applied, which allows to select one optimal solution from the set of possible ones and reconstruct the corresponding kinematic scheme. New designs of elastic couplings with nonlinear mechanical feedback are synthesized


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Author Biographies

I. I. Sydorenko, Odessа Polytechnic National University

DSc, Prof.

V. O. Kurgan, Odessа Polytechnic National University



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How to Cite

Sydorenko, I.I. and Kurgan, V.O. 2017. Synthesis of nonlinear elastic couplings on the basis of modified kinematic graphs. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 3(53) (Oct. 2017), 5–11. DOI: