Modelling the efficiency of the combined heat pump system with tank accumulator for permanent and intermittent heating modes of the public buildings




efficiency, heat pump, heat accumulator, intermittent heating, energy balance model


The paper considers mathematical modeling the efficiency of the combined heat pump systems with thermal energy storage for intermittent heating of the public buildings. The abilities of the combined heat pump system working with traditional heating system with the account of climate data values when the position of the bivalent point on the temperature
axis affects at the amount of heat energy supplied from the reserved generator of heat are analyzed. Numerical modeling of processes in the combined intermittent heating system was carried out. The proposed methodology of the analysis may serve as a rational approach to further development the heat pump technologies of intermittent heating. Evaluation of the effectiveness of work modes the intermittent heating system from the operating modes of heat consumers are carried out. The proposed methodology contributes to energy efficiency of the heat pump systems with tank accumulators with the ac-count of operating modes of heat consumers. Simulation results include coefficient of performance and heating capacity. The periods of operation when the values of the coefficient of performance were very high were revealed. Analysis of the results of numerical modeling shows that for heat pump systems with heat accumulators, the load curve of heat generators is equalized, which leads to uniform operation of the heat source. The design of technical details of the heat pump was optimized with the energy balance which is well suited for the analysis of work modes of the heat pump integrated with thermal energy storage. The rational length of intermittent heating periods when the heat pump operates with heat accumulator, duration of successive heating mode and stand-by mode with charging the heat accumulator which have positive influence on energy efficiency are considered, consequently. According to the results, additional novel-ty aspect allows to optimize the technical details and work modes of the combined heat pump system at renewable sources shares to have continuous improvement of its energy efficiency. The mathematical model validated with experimental results can be employed for investigation the feasibility of integrating the tank accumulator into heat pump heating systems using renewable sources of energy.


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How to Cite

Denysova, A. and Zhaivoron, O. 2023. Modelling the efficiency of the combined heat pump system with tank accumulator for permanent and intermittent heating modes of the public buildings. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(67) (Jun. 2023), 35–48. DOI: