Technology for testing of software modules based on use cases




information technology, use cases, mathematical model, test case, directed graph


An automated technology is developed that combines the processes of describing of the use case (precedent) and compiling of test cases sets. For this purpose, a mathematical model of the precedent is proposed, representing it in the form of an oriented graph. Each vertex of the graph corresponds to a precedent item, and each edge defines the transition conditions and data that define these conditions. The classification of the test case scenarios was used, which made it possible to distinguish 7 types of items. For each type of test case item, a separate test case template has been developed. Templates have 3 sections: data entered in this item; data previously received in the system; and the results of the implementation of the item. An algorithm for identify-ing independent paths and a procedure for determining the completion of traversal is developed. Software tools that support the proposed technology of drawing test cases have been developed. The tests showed a significant reduction in the time when this technology was used in comparison with existing solutions which provide the separate processes for describing of use cases and drawing up of test cases.


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Author Biographies

Аlexey B. Kungurtsev, Odessа Polytechnic National University

PhD, Prof.

Tran Quoc Vinh Nguyen, The University of Da Nang – University of Education



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How to Cite

Kungurtsev А.B., Nguyen, T.Q.V. and Novikova, N. 2017. Technology for testing of software modules based on use cases. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 3(53) (Oct. 2017), 79–87. DOI:



Computer and information networks and systems. Manufacturing automation