The problem of minimizing the radioactive leakage into the VVER circuit under normal conditions




fuel cladding, damage parameter, radioactive leakage minimization, VVER


According to the Strategic Energy Technologies plan, two priorities have been accepted by the European Commis-sion: develop and strengthen energy-efficient systems; increase safety in the use of nuclear energy. The aim of the research is working out grounds for improvement of the VVER operation safety-efficiency balance, for that a new approach to minimizing the radioactive leakage into the VVER circuit under normal operating conditions, based on minimizing the damage parameter of fuel claddings, has been proposed. Using the CET-method for calculating the cladding damage parameter, a new method for control of parameters determining the dose of radioactive leakage through microcracks of fuel claddings into the reactor circuit, under normal operating conditions, has been described. The conditions and a need for development of an automated control system minimizing the radioactive leakage into the VVER circuit under normal conditions, by means of optimizing the VVER loading mode and rearrangements of fuel assemblies in the core, have been shown.


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Author Biographies

S.N. Pelykh, Odessа Polytechnic National University

DSc, Prof.

Zhou Huiyu

Northwestern Polytechnical University: Xi'an, Shaanxi


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How to Cite

Pelykh, S., Frolov М., Nalyvayko А. and Huiyu, Z. 2017. The problem of minimizing the radioactive leakage into the VVER circuit under normal conditions. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(52) (Jul. 2017), 39–44. DOI: