Influence of the conditions for the preparation and thermal destruction of ammonium tetravanadate on the composition of oxide-vanadic electro-functional materials




vanadium oxides, ammonium tetravanadate, synthesis, centrifugation, freeze drying


The work represents the investigation of the influence of technological stages of ammonium tetravanadate preparation on the final composition of vanadium oxide products. The purpose of experimental studies is to determine the technological parameters for the production of highly dispersed vanadium oxides with different degrees of oxidation (V2O3, VO2, V2O5). The synthesis of ammonium tetravanadate comprises three main steps: the reaction of 3 g of V2O5 and 8.32 g of H2C2O4 ∙ 2H2O dissolving in 100 ml of water, followed by product precipitation with 30 % ammonium hydroxide, separation of the precipitate by centrifugation or sublimation. Vanadium oxides are formed in the fourth stage of thermal decomposition of ammonium tetravanadate. X-ray diffraction analysis samples was performed on “DRON-3”. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) samples was carried out on a derivatograph “Q-150”. The influence of separation conditions and thermal decomposition of the sediment on the composition of the final products (V2O3, VO2, V2O5) was studied. With the X-ray analysis it was determined that when using the centrifugation the final product of thermodestruction in an inert atmosphere is VO2, while sublimation drying leads to V2O3, and highly dispersed V2O5 is formed in an oxygen atmosphere. Highly dispersed vanadium oxides with different degrees of oxidation can be synthesized according to the introduced manufacturing scheme.


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Author Biographies

Alena Girenko, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology

PhD, Assoc.Prof.

O.P. Musov, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology

PhD, Assoc.Prof.

O.P. Klimenko, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology

PhD, Assoc.Prof.


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How to Cite

Luskan, K., Girenko, A., Musov, O. and Klimenko, O. 2017. Influence of the conditions for the preparation and thermal destruction of ammonium tetravanadate on the composition of oxide-vanadic electro-functional materials. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(52) (Jul. 2017), 87–92. DOI:



Chemistry. Pharmaceutical technologies. Biomedical engineering