Synthesis of pressure reducing valve with enhanced functionality
pressure reducing valve, modified kinematic graph, mechanical control systemAbstract
Reduction valves are widely used in industry. Increasing requirements for accuracy of pressure adjustment in industrial hydraulic or pneumatic systems, as well as automation with maximum autonomy of these operations require the implementation of new design solutions. Aim: The aim of the research is to test the methods of analysis and synthesis of mechanical systems based on the modification of their models presented in the form of kinematic graphs, for example, the development of a new design of pressure reducing valve with extended functionality. Materials and Methods: The pressure reducing valve RD-120 is considered as the basic device. To achieve research aim, the method of analysis and synthesis of mechanical systems based on the modification of their models presented in the form of kinematic graphs is applied. Taking into account of multivariance of solutions during the synthesis of a device based on modified kinematic graphs, it was suggested to search for the optimal solution by calculating the energy of the kinematic graph. Results: A fundamentally new device was synthesized in the form of a passive controlled pressure reducing valve. It was found that the model in the form of a modified kinematic graph that defines a certain device as a device with mechanically variable characteristics must have at least three cycles, two of which determine the main functional interaction of the elements of the device, and the remaining – their modification. The design realization of the synthesized device is presented.
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