Improving the reliability of pulsed laser rangefinder and infrared devices of homing and surveillance by final electron beam processing of their optical components
precision instrumentation, electron beam, optical glass, optical ceramics, reliabilityAbstract
To prevent the negative impact of external thermal actions on reliability of devices for measurement and thermal testing of objects of various physical nature the practical importance has electron beam processing of surfaces of optical elements has practical importance, because it prevents appearance of defects on the surface of elements which lead to a sharp degradation of performance of devices and their failures during operation. Aim: The aim of this research is to develop a method for improving the reliability of devices for measurement and thermal control of various physical nature objects by final electron-beam processing of optical elements. Materials and Methods: To study the influence of parameters of the electron beam on the properties of the surface layers of the optical glass elements of marks K8, K208, BK10 and ceramics marks KO1, KO2, KO3, KO5, KO12 used discs with a diameter of 3∙10-2…5∙10-2 m and thick 4∙10-3…6∙10-3 m, hemispherical cowl with diameter 4∙10-2…8∙10-2 m. For research was used developed specialized electron-beam equipment; the main characteristics of strip electron beam were as follows: width – 5∙10-4…5∙10-3 m, length – 6∙10-2…8∙10-2 m, density of thermal action – Fn = 5∙106…9∙108 W/m2 and velocity – V = 3∙10-3…10-1 m/s. Results: Experimental studies were held and found the critical values of external thermal actions (heat flux, time of action, etc.), the excess of which leads to the formation on the surface of negative defects that lead to their destruction. The results of the research determined the optimal range of change of parameters of the electron beam (density of thermal action Fn =7∙106…8∙108 W/m2 and the velocity V = 5∙10-3…5∙10-2 m/s) within which observed substantial improvement of the properties of the surface layers of the optical elements.
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