Research of the sediment formation intensity at the run-around cooling systems equipment with water cooling towers


  • V.G. Ahrameev Odessа Polytechnic National University



circulating water, circulating cooling system, sediments


For circulating cooling systems the solid mineral sediments formed as a result of crystallization of sparingly soluble inorganic salts in the transition of circulating water in the supersaturated state are the most dangerous. Aim: The aim is to study the intensity of sediments of hardly soluble salts crystals on the surfaces of the heating of evaporative cooling equipment and condensers from supersaturated circulating water in the circulating cooling systems of power plants with water cooling towers. Materials and Methods: The methodology of the research was to study the mass and size of the hardly soluble crystals in circulation water and sediments on heat exchange surfaces of the condenser and the evaporator surface of the water cooling tower. Source water for the experiment was selected from river Styr. Experimental studies were carried out at the installation of a scale model of circulation cooling system. To study the nature of the interaction of the solid phase particles with each other in the starting water and the circulating used the method of dispersion analysis of coarse phase particles in the optically scanned water layer. Results: The study the intensity of sediments sparingly of soluble salt crystal on the surfaces of the heating of evaporative cooling equipment and condensers from supersaturated circulating water in the circulating cooling systems of power plants with water cooling towers were held. It has been determined that as the circulation water is cooling, with its runoff along the cooling surface and aeration by counter-steam mass flow there are salinity increase and increase the weight of precipitated carbonate salts crystals, which ultimately leads to the formation of loose sediments in the unheated watering surfaces of water cooling towers. Allocation of crystallization centers of sparingly soluble carbonate salt when it is heated in the heat exchange condenser tubes is due to the thermal dissociation of good soluble bicarbonate salts into sparingly soluble carbonate salts and then sediment at the heated tubes surface.


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Author Biography

V.G. Ahrameev, Odessа Polytechnic National University



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How to Cite

Ahrameev, V. 2016. Research of the sediment formation intensity at the run-around cooling systems equipment with water cooling towers. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(49) (Jul. 2016), 56–61. DOI: