Modelling and solution of contact problem for infinite plate and cross-shaped embedment


  • O.B. Kozin National University “Odesa Law Academy”
  • O.B. Papkovskaya Odessа Polytechnic National University
  • M.O. Kozina Odessа Polytechnic National University



boundary problem, isotropic plate, rigid cross-shaped embedment, bend, Mellin transform, factorization method, Riemann problem


Development of efficient methods of determination of an intense-strained state of thin-walled constructional designs with inclusions, reinforcements and other stress raisers is an important problem both with theoretical, and from the practical point of view, considering their wide practical application. Aim: The aim of this research is to develop the analytical mathematical method of studying of an intense-strained state of infinite plate with cross-shaped embedment at a bend. Materials and Methods: The method of boundary elements is an efficient way of the boundary value problems solution for systems of differential equations. The methods based on boundary integral equations get wide application in many branches of science and technique, calculation of plates and shells. One of methods of solution of a numerous class of the integral equations and systems arising on the basis of a method of boundary integral equations is the analytical method of construction of these equations and systems to Riemann problems with their forthcoming decision. Results: The integral equation for the analysis of deflections and the analysis of an intense-strained state of a thin rigid plate with rigid cross-shaped embedment is received. The precise solution of this boundary value problem is received by reduction to a Riemann problem and its forthcoming solution. An asymptotical behavior of contact efforts at the ends of embedment is investigated.


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Author Biographies

O.B. Kozin, National University “Odesa Law Academy”

PhD, Assoc.Prof.

O.B. Papkovskaya, Odessа Polytechnic National University

PhD, Assoc.Prof.

M.O. Kozina, Odessа Polytechnic National University



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How to Cite

Kozin, O., Papkovskaya, O. and Kozina, M. 2016. Modelling and solution of contact problem for infinite plate and cross-shaped embedment. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(49) (Jul. 2016), 97–103. DOI:



Fundamental and applied sciences problems