General principles of hard-soft-technologies application to modelling of operation process in internal combustion engines.




internal combustion engine, model working space, heat generation, heat consumption, modelling, hard–soft technology


The perfection of the piston engines in the constructive-mechanical sense without revolutionary changes in the technology of design and manufacturing is difficult to raise, but the perfection in the thermodynamic sense is a “broad field” for the useful activity of engineering science. In order to penetrate as much as possible into the phenomenon of transformation of forms of energy - chemical to thermal, and then – thermal to mechanical, it is necessary to have a rich cognitive ability and a properly adequate model of “constantly variables” in the time of the intraomotor processes. To create such a model purely analytical and algorithmic means, as it turned out, is hardly possible, and therefore always in parallel with the theoretical studies have to be applied also experimental, requiring the use of special bench equipment. The combination on natural and virtual approaches to the modelling of processes that occur in the internal combustion engines enables to increase considerably the information support of engines design processes. This approach can be named the hard-soft-technology of comprehension. The aim is to specify the principles of rational combination of natural and virtual modelling environments into a united system employing, in this way, the hard–soft–technology of operating process modelling in the internal combustion engines. Generally, it is only the reality that is able to implacably “integrate”, so to say, the system of descriptive equations in any possible form. Consequently, the harmonious combination of natural modelling and virtual modelling within the framework of any paradigm enables to enhance the comprehension of mechanic energy production principles in the thermal engines. Proceeding from a general and to a considerable extent theoretical description of heat transmission and taking into consideration the Newton heat–transfer equation and the theory of similarity, however, when an adequate evaluation of heat emission through the walls of the engine’s operation space is discussed, the corrective measures performed solely by means of direct measurements are required. It is the direct measurements in the natural environment of engine’s operating space thermal parameters that create the informative grounds for theoretical generalizations in the virtual environment.


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How to Cite

Hashchuk, P. and Nikipchuk, S. 2018. General principles of hard-soft-technologies application to modelling of operation process in internal combustion engines. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(55) (Oct. 2018), 34–48. DOI: