The inertial properties of pulsing interflow area of counterflow hydrodynamic radiator


  • Т.V. Маkarova Odessа Polytechnic National University
  • А.V. Zhukova Odessа Polytechnic National University



hydrodynamic radiator, interflow area, apparent mass


The jet hydrodynamic radiators (HDR) are the devices where part of kinetic energy of flooded jet is transformed to pulsations of internal interflow area and flow shell fluctuations. The sound generation process in HDR is involved with its constructional features. Aim: The aim of this work is to study the inertial properties of the HDR pulsating interflow area taking into account its geometric singularities. Materials and Methods: It was proposed to study the pulsating area using the simplified sphere model of pulsating cavitating area of the counterflow type jet hydrodynamic radiator. This radiator can be implemented in two modifications: taking into account the volume that occupies by jet from the nozzle with and without accounting of it. Results: The characteristic dimensions and spatial restrictions are determined for the mentioned modifications based on the research results. The own mass, apparent mass and total mass of pulsating area (pulsator) were determined. The dependencies of the corresponding mass relations versus pulsator radius were obtained. Conclusions: It was shown that specifically apparent mass has dominance in total one and it is almost 6 times greater than pulsator own mass. The consideration of the central axial passage occupied by jet out of muzzle increases the contribution of apparent mass to total mass. The influence of apparent mass intensifies under increase of the gas content of dual-phase environment, i.e. under cavitation propagation. The total masses of pulsating area are nearest one to another in various models modifications due to cancellation effect of two factors - increase of pulsator apparent mass and decrease of its own mass under comparatively low sphere volume.


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Author Biographies

Т.V. Маkarova, Odessа Polytechnic National University

PhD, Assoc.Prof.

А.V. Zhukova, Odessа Polytechnic National University

PhD, Assoc.Prof.


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How to Cite

Маkarova Т. and Zhukova А. 2015. The inertial properties of pulsing interflow area of counterflow hydrodynamic radiator. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 3(47) (Oct. 2015), 111–118. DOI:



Fundamental and applied sciences problems