Axial offset as measure of stability of light water nuclear reactor during capacity maneuvering


  • Mark V. Nikolsky Odessа Polytechnic National University



offset control, power unit of nuclear plant, control method, simulation model, multi-zone reactor model


High reliability and security of power unit are required during operation of power unit while maneuvering. They depend on the stability of reactor when transition from one power level to another. The axial offset is a quantitative measure of the reactor stability. It is shown that change of the active core inlet coolant temperature yields an uncontrollable disturbance affecting the axial offset and therefore the reactor stability. To insure the reactor stability the compromise-combined power control method is proposed. Analysis of the influence of temperature of coolant at the magnitude of the axial offset for different regulatory programs is carried out. The change in the depth of immersion of regulators in the active zone for different regulatory programs when the reactor plant daily capacity maneuver is studied.


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Author Biography

Mark V. Nikolsky, Odessа Polytechnic National University



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How to Cite

Nikolsky, M.V. 2015. Axial offset as measure of stability of light water nuclear reactor during capacity maneuvering. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(45) (Nov. 2015), 58–64. DOI: