Energy condensed packaged systems. Composition, production, properties


  • I.L. Kоvаlеnkо Ukrainian State University of Chemical Engineering
  • V.P. Kuрrin Ukrainian State University of Chemical Engineering
  • D.V. Kiyaschenko “Ukrvybukhtekhnologia”, LLC



energy condensed system, combustible component, technology, mixer


In this paper it is presented the substantiation of choice of fuel phase composition and optimal technology of emulsion production on the basis of binary solution of ammonium and calcium nitrates, which provide the obtaining of energy condensed packaged systems with specified properties. The thermal decomposition of energy condensed systems on the basis of ammonium nitrate is investigated. It is shown that the fuel phase of emulsion systems should be based on esters of polyunsaturated acids or on combinations thereof with petroleum products. And ceresin or petroleum wax can be used as the structuring additive. The influence of the technology of energy condensed systems production on the physicochemical and detonation parameters of emulsion explosives is considered. It is shown the possibility of obtaining of emulsion systems with dispersion of 1.3...1.8 microns and viscosity higher than 103 Pa∙s in the apparatus of original design. The sensitizing effect of chlorinated paraffin CP-470 on the thermolysis of energy condensed emulsion system is shown. The composition and pro-duction technology of energy condensed packaged emulsion systems of mark Ukrainit-P for underground mining in mines not dangerous on gas and dust are developed.


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Author Biographies

I.L. Kоvаlеnkо, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Engineering

PhD, Assoc.Prof.

V.P. Kuрrin, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Engineering

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor


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How to Cite

Kоvаlеnkо I., Kuрrin V. and Kiyaschenko, D. 2015. Energy condensed packaged systems. Composition, production, properties. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(45) (Jan. 2015), 164–170. DOI:



Chemistry. Pharmaceutical technologies. Biomedical engineering