Dynamic problem for two-layered stripe on the rigid basis


  • Yuriy P. Glukhov ін-т механіки ім. С.П. Тимошенко НАН України




initial stress, load moving with a constant speed, two-layered stripe, compressible material


The intermediate results of the study of planar problems about perturbation by movable surface load of multilayer base with initial (residual) stresses are presented. Within the bounds of linearizired theory of elasticity for bodies with initial stresses there are considered the statement and method of solving a planar problem of the perturbation of the surface load moving with a constant speed of two-layered pre-stressed stripe with the rigid basis. The model of the layered medium “a plate and pre-stressed layer” is considered. Equations of plate motion are written taking into account the shift and rotary inertia. Layer material is assumed compressible, isotropic in the natural state. The form of elastic potential has a general form and must be specified only while implementation of numeral calculations. With the help of the Fourier integral transform method a fundamental solution to the problem is obtained in general form under various conditions of contact and speeds of load.


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Author Biography

Yuriy P. Glukhov, ін-т механіки ім. С.П. Тимошенко НАН України

канд. фіз.-мат. наук, доц.


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How to Cite

Glukhov, Y.P. 2014. Dynamic problem for two-layered stripe on the rigid basis. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(44) (Mar. 2014), 9–14. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15276/opu.2.44.2014.03.