Applications of ultrasonic devices for perfection of cutting processes of materials in machines of light industry


  • Ali Jafai Nasr Хмельницький нац. ун-т
  • G. B. Paraska Хмельницький нац. ун-т
  • V. P. Misiats Київ. нац. ун-т технологій та дизайну



materials of light industry, ultrasonic vibrations, cutting effort, sewing machine, ribbon-knife


The prospect of using ultrasonic devices is presented for intensification of technological processes of cutting and pricking of fabrics, artificial and natural leathers with imposition of ultrasonic vibrations on the instrument. The aim of the work is to increase the efficiency of cutting and pricking of different materials with imposition of ultrasonic vibrations on the basis of researching the features of interaction of the instrument and the processed material. The research method combines both the theoretical analysis and physical experiment. The methods of cutting theory and theoretical mechanics are used in the theoretical studies. It is shown that, when  instruments oscillate at ultrasonic frequencies, the efforts of cutting and pricking of materials are considerably reduced. Structural solutions for applying ultrasonic devices in the mechanisms of sewing machine needle and ribbon-knives are adduced.


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Author Biographies

Ali Jafai Nasr, Хмельницький нац. ун-т


G. B. Paraska, Хмельницький нац. ун-т

д-р техн. наук, проф.

V. P. Misiats, Київ. нац. ун-т технологій та дизайну

д-р техн. наук, проф.


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How to Cite

Nasr, A.J., Paraska, G.B. and Misiats, V.P. 2014. Applications of ultrasonic devices for perfection of cutting processes of materials in machines of light industry. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(43) (Mar. 2014), 83–87. DOI: