Classification of passive heat residual removal systems from reactors containments
classification, passive system, containment, nuclear reactorAbstract
A developed classification of passive heat residual removal systems from reactors containments allows conducting a detailed analysis of various concepts of passive residual heat removal from the protective shells of nuclear reactors (HPRS-С) of the new generation. Based on our analysis of the various projects of new reactor systems and scientific publications of the use of HPRS-С certain laws and common approaches were established in the formation of classification of HPRS-С. This analysis provided the basis to develop a classification of SPOT, which is represented in the figure. Such a classification allows system analysis by the following classification features: the containment material; the cooling nature; the mechanism of vapor condensation; HPRS-С type; type of finite heat sink; cooling circuit type; by the mode of operation; the mechanism of heat transfer; by the driving force of the cooler. Thus, the basic classification features are considered. Examples are provided.
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